International Conference Sustainable World Food Supply
26 mei 2016Special attention to soil, ecology and sustainable supply of water and energy.
Sustainable Food Supply Foundation has developed a draft program for an international two-day conference about “Sustainable World Food Supply”. The concept lends itself very well to cooperation with embassies, farmers organizations and governmental representatives of European, Asian, African and Latin American countries, the United Nations, the World Bank, the IFAP, scientific institutes and other organizations.
Aim of this conference is to stimulate a broadly supported vision on a sustainable World Food Supply that is based on the interest of big and small farms as well as on the environment and biodiversity.
During the conference keynote speakers of several countries of the mentioned continents will have the opportunity to present their actually realized project examples, showing that a sustainable and regional approach pays and motivates.
The exact dates and location still to be determined.
The working languages of the conference are English and French.