Categorie: Politics

Efficient versus robust agrofood systems

29 mei 2020 Door Michiel Korthals

The corona crisis and the hunt for medical services, equipment and materials once again show that an efficient health system is not the same as a robust system. An efficient system is cheap. The production of medical supplies is predominantly in the hands of some large private and market-oriented companies located all over the world. […]

Six steps for global sustainable food security in 2050

6 maart 2020 Door Harry Donkers

Enough farmland to ensure a healthy diet for all people, improve global biodiversity and limit climate change in 2050 There is enough agricultural land on our planet for local and sustainable production of a healthy diet for all people now and also in 2050. The intensive global farming systems (with a lot of chemical pesticides […]

Soil health is reversing

4 december 2018 Door bbuizer

Over 200,000 European Citizens signed the People 4 Soil petition calling on the EU to protect soil! Bertus Buizer*   –  19 September 2017    –  update: 4 December 2018 The European strategies for protecting biodiversity and combating climate change should focus on soil: the EU must develop a roadmap towards a land degradation neutral world. […]

Startup meeting of the campaign of #People4Soil in the Netherlands full of energy and inspiration

16 september 2016 Door bbuizer

On September 14, 2016, the startup meeting of the campaign People4Soil was held in the Netherlands. This is a European Citizens’ Initiative for specific legislation on soil protection. The meeting was organized by the Dutch Sustainable Food Supply Foundation and was held at EOSTA / Nature and More, which previously launched the international campaign called ‘Save […]

International Conference Sustainable World Food Supply

26 mei 2016 Door bbuizer

Special attention to soil, ecology and sustainable supply of water and energy. Sustainable Food Supply Foundation has developed a draft program for an international two-day conference about “Sustainable World Food Supply”. The concept lends itself very well to cooperation with embassies, farmers organizations and governmental representatives of European, Asian, African and Latin American countries, the […]

Organic farming has the best credentials for an adequate sustainable food supply

6 juli 2015 Door bbuizer

Strong annual growth in consumer demand for organic products Lecture given on February 12, 2015 at CREA Amsterdam for students of the University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam. by Bertus Buizer      update: January 31, 2017 A frequently asked question is: is organic agriculture capable of feeding the entire growing world population? My answer […]